The Walk took place on the morning of 13 April with four participants. The weather was mixed, with the preceding and following days being marked by exceptionally strong winds. The following 26 species were recorded – two more than on last year’s Spring Walk. Three summer visitors were noted – Whitethroat, Blackcap, and Chiffchaff (two more than on last year’s Spring Walk, when only Chiffchaffs were recorded).

Pheasant (B,C)

Red Kite (A,C)

Kestrel (C)

Stock Dove (B)

Woodpigeon (A,B,C)

Green Woodpecker (B)

Skylark (A,C)

Wren (A,C)

Dunnock (B)

Robin (B,C)

Song Thrush (B,C)

Blackbird (A,B,C)

Whitethroat (C)

Blackcap (B,C)

Chiffchaff (B)

Goldcrest (B)

Blue Tit (A,B)

Great Tit (A,B,C)

Nuthatch (B)

Magpie (A)

Rook (C)

Carrion Crow (B,C)

House Sparrow (A

Chaffinch (C)

Goldfinch (C)

Greenfinch (A)