The walk took place on the morning of 6 November, a largely grey and cold day following the first frosty nights of the autumn. There were five participants, and the following 27 species were recorded. (The bird tally in Area B – Dean Wood – was probably affected by persistent and intimidating shooting, which continued for much of the morning; a large quantity of used cartridges was found littering the public footpath on the return walk.)

Red-legged Partridge (C)

Pheasant (B,C)

Buzzard (A)

Red Kite (A,B,C)

Kestrel (A)

Herring Gull (C – c. 40 on field to NW))

Lesser Black-backed Gull (C – c. 6 among the Herring Gulls)

Common Gull (A – at least one flying over)

Woodpigeon (A,C – large flocks flying)

Great-spotted Woodpecker (A)

Jay (B,C)

Magpie (A,C)

Jackdaw (B)

Rook (C)

Carrion Crow (A,C)

Raven (C – 2)

Goldcrest (B – in larch plantation as usual, but also on edge of wood above Dean Farm)

Blue Tit (A,B,C)

Great Tit (B)

Nuthatch (B)

Skylark (C)

Wren (A,B)

Blackbird (A,C)

Redwing (A,C – small flock(s?) repeatedly seen)

House Sparrow (A)

Chaffinch (A,C)

Goldfinch (A,C)